Government Phone Systems & VoIP Solutions | Altamonte Springs, FL

Superior VoIP phones for government offices and agencies

When people reach out and count on you, you need a reliable phone system you can count on.

We specialize in government phone systems and VoIP phones for government offices in Altamonte Springs, FL. Our government VoIP solutions deliver fast, reliable communications for state and local government offices and agencies-- reach out today to learn more!

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Verteks Consulting can introduce a unified communication system via VOIP technology to modernize the communication in your office. VoIP phones for government strengthen call-handling reliability and allow seamless collaboration across multiple contacts and departments. With our specialty in Voice Over IP (VoIP) systems, we can help your government organization improve communication technology and introduce new features to ease logistics and increase productivity.

Verteks Consulting holds partnerships with world-class VOIP providers such as Mitel/ShoreTel, and Brightmetrics for analytics.

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Advantages of VoIP phones for government offices

Mitel full Switching from a traditional phone system to VOIP enables your organization and employees to connect to the office phone system and its benefits even when working remotely. As long as your team has a working internet connection, VOIP enables personnel to utilize the company phone system from any location and any device.

Additionally, landlines have higher setup and maintenance costs compared to VoIP phone systems- cutting costs by nearly 60% on average. With VOIP, there is no physical hardware required to operate - which also means there is no need to worry about maintenance, repairs, and upgrades. Moreover, VoIP enables international calling at a reduced cost, helping you decrease telephone charges across your department.

Contact our team today to learn more about the government phone systems we have available and our professional expertise deploying successful VoIP solutions for numerous government agencies and offices.


Verteks Consulting delivers powerful and flexible technology solutions. The reliability and performance these solutions provide ensures a return on your technology investment.

We offer superior government VoIP solutions and phone systems- get in touch today!

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