Why High-Quality Cabling Is More Important Than Ever

Why High-Quality Cabling Is More Important Than Ever

Wireless networks have evolved from a “nice-to-have” feature to a mission-critical component of the IT infrastructure. Organizations that depend on mobile devices are equally dependent on Wi-Fi — sometimes more than they are the wired network.

But even organizations that rely primarily on wireless still require a high-performance, back-end wired network. In fact, the wired network becomes even more critical. The influx of mobile devices onto the corporate network – devices seeking to simultaneously access applications and data – can push bandwidth demands to the limits.

When people think about network upgrades, they generally consider switches, routers and other gear. Structured cabling is an often-neglected component. It is the foundation that supports and connects most of the network infrastructure, yet it garners just 5 percent of IT investments.

Many organizations expect their cabling plant to last almost indefinitely. But every time a device or application is added to the network, bandwidth demands increase. If the demands placed on the network go beyond what the infrastructure was designed to deliver and users notice declining performance, it could be a sign that the cabling plant needs an upgrade.

What Is Structured Cabling?

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding structured cabling. Just because the cabling is neat and organized, does not mean it meets structured cabling standards.

Structured cabling is a comprehensive system of cables and related hardware that provides a flexible, future-ready infrastructure for business communications. It is based on standards developed by the Electronic Industry Alliance/Telecommunications Industry Association (EIA/TIA) in conjunction with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These standards are designed to enable the continuous flow of information, from data and voice to security and wireless connections.

As IT infrastructures have become denser and more complex, the value of structured cabling has been magnified. Structured cabling uses a modular design that supports new equipment and applications regardless of vendor, making it easier to expand the network to meet growing demands.

Structured cabling also establishes consistency in the network infrastructure, simplifies maintenance and troubleshooting, and reduces total cost of ownership. In fact, the International Engineering Consortium found that standardizing cabling components and consolidating cable delivery methods reduces construction costs by up to 30 percent. It can also cut network maintenance costs by up to 40 percent.

Planning Is Key

Cabling is an important consideration for organizations planning to take advantage of the latest Wi-Fi technologies. The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) recommends at least Cat 6A cabling and a grid-based zoned architecture for 802.11ac and later wireless standards. Two cables should be run to each grid to provide backup Power over Ethernet (PoE) and allow for future expansion.

Proper planning is essential. Cabling systems have a much longer lifecycle than most other components of the IT environment — typically 15 to 20 years. It’s important to think about the potential number of users and devices, and how much bandwidth will be required to meet growing demands. Organizations should also consider where APs will be located, and PoE support for IP telephony and Internet of Things (IoT) devices attached to the data network.

Although many organizations are increasing their reliance on wireless technologies, the cabling plant plays an increasingly vital role in network performance, manageability and scalability. Whether moving to a new location or upgrading existing facilities, organizations should lay the proper foundation by investing in high-quality structured cabling. Verteks provides professional cabling services and can assist you through this process. Give us a call to discuss your particular needs and requirements.

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