Proactive Monitoring and Analysis Key to VoIP Softphone Quality

Proactive Monitoring and Analysis Key to VoIP Softphone Quality

Long ago, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) long ago became the go-to communication solution for organizations looking to reduce their telecommunication costs and support increasingly decentralized operations. However, pairing the technology with softphones is the key to realizing the full benefits of IP communications.

A softphone is an application that allows users to make phone calls over the Internet through any device with a supported speaker and microphone. Beyond voice calling, softphones also enable a range of advanced functions such as video calling, call recording and voicemail. Additionally, softphones can be integrated with important business applications such as CRM and ERP systems, calendar apps, and document management systems.

While those features are beneficial, they won’t matter much if the voice quality isn’t up to par. Because they operate with real-time data, softphones are susceptible to latency, jitter and other voice quality issues. Other problems that can impact performance include:

  • Bandwidth Limitations. Insufficient bandwidth or network congestion can degrade voice quality, leading to choppy audio and dropped calls.
  • Codec Issues. Softphones use codecs to compress and decompress audio data for transmission. Interoperability issues can arise when different devices and systems use different codecs.
  • Device Quality. Low-quality microphones or speakers can lead to distorted or unclear audio.
  • Misconfigurations. Router, firewall and network configuration errors will impact voice data flow.

Troubleshooting such issues can be challenging due to the distributed nature of VoIP systems. VoIP traffic traverses multiple networks, including the public Internet, encountering variable conditions that can affect call quality. Plus, the VoIP architecture comprises many components, including servers, routers, gateways, switches and endpoints, making it difficult to pinpoint the root cause of issues.

Proactive Analysis

To experience the full benefits of VoIP softphones, organizations need better end-to-end visibility into all network components. As a Mitel Certified Gold Partner, Verteks provides access to the Mitel Performance Analytics (MPA) solution as part of our maintenance and support services.

MPA is a fault and performance management solution that proactively monitors and analyzes a customer’s entire unified communications network in real time, with a special focus on voice quality. A variety of network diagnostic tools provide analytics and reporting that can simplify troubleshooting of problems and identify quality concerns. Key MPA capabilities include:

  • Proactive Issue Detection. MPA continuously analyzes key parameters such as call quality, network latency and device status in real time to identify potential issues before they escalate. The platform’s intuitive dashboard provides a centralized view of network health, offering detailed insights into call trends, device status and network metrics.
  • Alerts and Diagnostics. MPA generates alerts and notifications for abnormal conditions or potential problems in the VoIP environment. This enables IT teams to respond promptly to issues that may impact softphone performance. The platform’s packet capture and analysis tools enable in-depth examination of network traffic, aiding in the identification of root causes of performance issues.
  • Historical Reporting. MPA provides historical data and reports, allowing administrators to analyze trends and patterns over time. This information can be valuable for identifying recurring issues that may be affecting softphone voice quality and implementing long-term solutions.
  • Capacity Planning. By monitoring usage and performance metrics, MPA helps IT teams with capacity planning. Ensuring that the network and servers have sufficient resources can prevent performance degradation that might affect VoIP quality.

Monitoring solutions such as MPA contribute to VoIP softphone voice quality by maintaining a robust and well-managed communication infrastructure. However, continuously monitoring the communications environment will put a strain on short-staffed IT teams. The network pros at Verteks can relieve you of that burden, providing insights into VoIP performance that will ensure your business communications are operating at maximum efficiency. Contact us to learn more.

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