Blog & Resources

The Danger of Rogue Access Points and BYON

When the CIO of the Department of Transportation (DOT) launched a project to implement Microsoft Office 365, he quickly discovered a big problem. No one had ever really designed the department’s network — end-users simply installed networking equipment as needed.

Data Shakedown

Almost half of companies were targeted by ransomware attacks in 2016. Here’s what you should know about this growing threat.

Security researchers and law enforcement officials say the spread of ransomware attacks has reached epidemic proportions. Organizations of all sizes in both the public and private sectors have been impacted by this insidious type of malware, which encrypts valuable digital files and demands a ransom to decrypt them.

The True Cost of IT

What are your computer systems really costing your organization? Here are some key questions to ask.

In today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, organizations of all sizes are looking for ways to improve efficiency and customer service while keeping expenses in check.

What Does an Effective Endpoint Security Strategy Look Like?

It was only a matter of time before the rise of mobile led to the rise of mobile security threats. From smartphones and tablets to wearables and Internet of Things devices, the number and variety of endpoints have made it difficult for organizations to maintain control over mobile environments and deliver security updates in a timely fashion.

Redundant SD-WAN Links Can Help Mitigate DDoS Attacks

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are becoming easier to launch, harder to stop and larger than ever, according to a new report from Deloitte Global. The consulting firm anticipates that more than 10 million such attacks will occur in 2017.

Gone are the days when low-level hackers used DDoS attacks to make a political statement or simply for their personal amusement.

Cut Costs and Complexity with Software-Defined WAN

The wide-area network (WAN) is rapidly replacing the LAN as the primary conduit for accessing business applications and data. The WAN enables branch offices and remote workers to connect to headquarters, and provides the Internet connectivity needed for cloud-based services.

Expanding the Possibilities of Video Collaboration

The video conferencing market has long been dominated by powerful and expensive room-based systems that required advanced scheduling and the support of IT staff in order to conduct meetings. While those systems still make sense for large group meetings, several new developments are helping to drive the power of video collaboration into all corners of the workforce.

9 Tips for Thwarting Emerging Threats

The security landscape is continually changing, and our last post described a few of the latest threats cybercriminals are employing in their efforts to compromise your networks and endpoints. As threats evolve, organizations must continue to employ a variety of strong countermeasures.

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