How MSPs Help Organizations Enhance Cyber Resilience

In an ideal world, our IT security systems would be so excellent that we’d be able to thwart all manner of cyberattacks. In reality, there’s no way to fully prevent the onslaught of threats hitting networks.

Independent IT security institute AV-TEST registers more than 450,000 new malware and potentially unwanted applications every day.

Faster Threat Detection and Response with WatchGuard ThreatSync

In our last post, we discussed the importance of threat-detection solutions that can find and stop cyber threats that have secretly taken root in your network. The good news is that C-level executives and board members are taking an increased interest in cybersecurity and actively encouraging increased investment in threat detection and other security controls.

4 Vulnerabilities That Can Put Microsoft 365 Data at Risk

Microsoft 365 is among the world’s most popular Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms, with some 345 million users worldwide. Analysts estimate that companies using the suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools collectively generate a whopping 100 petabytes of data each month — much of which is extremely sensitive information that could lead to serious financial, legal and operational damage if lost or compromised.

New International Standard Aims to Boost K-12 Cybersecurity

The integration of technology into classrooms has transformed the educational experience. Unfortunately, it has also opened the schoolhouse doors to electronic intrusion by hackers, crooks and thieves. According to one new study, ransomware attacks targeting K-12 schools grew by an astonishing 827 percent in 2022. Phishing, malware and denial-of-service attacks also increased substantially.

Why Your Organization Should Be Using a Password Manager

It’s like we aren’t even trying anymore.

Despite years of repeated warnings, millions of Americans rely on preposterously simple passwords that offer little or no security for critical data and systems. NordPass’s annual list of the 200 most-common passwords includes such gems as “password,” “123456,” “guest,” “qwerty” and “111111.” Researchers note that 83 percent of the passwords on that list can be cracked in less than one second.

6 Reasons You Should Upgrade to Wi-Fi 6

It is difficult to overstate the importance of reliable wireless connectivity in a work-from-anywhere world. Organizations must support more wireless users, devices and applications than ever, and analysts say total Wi-Fi traffic is doubling every three years.

Why Hackers are Targeting Schools, and What to Do About It

Recent research shows an alarming 84 percent increase in reported cyberattacks against the education sector over the past six months. Recent high-profile victims include some of the largest K-12 school districts in the country, including the Los Angeles Unified School District, the Minneapolis Public School District and Chicago Public Schools.

Explore Latest Cybersecurity Trends at FutureCon Conference

Outdated systems, misconfigured applications and exposed cloud resources are often considered the weakest links in any organization’s IT security. However, it’s the human attack surface that is most frequently exploited — and a new type of browser-based tactic is rapidly becoming the attack of choice by malicious actors.

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